Ann Liu is a biotech artist whose work is rooted in speculative design. Her approach is centered around biological research and experimentation. From there she uses art as a way to make a commentary on social systems. For example one of her works involves connecting an EEG to a professional seamstress who sews garments at an industrial level. The EEG is monitoring the seamstress' level of stress while working. Then the patterns indicating spikes in stress levels becomes knitted and integrated into the garment itself. Another one of her projects involves creating organic matter from her own body and allowing it to grow in a test tube. She matches the radiology scan of her body composition by distributing same amounts of fat, water and protein in the tube. Ann considers this tube of goop a self portrait which is phenomenally interesting. She says these self portraits are not sterile, so they let off gas and often explode. For the time being, she has strayed away from this project. Ann began creating art out of old circuit boards and was very interested in digital art. While in college her love of infusing math and science into art led her to try out lab based biological experimentations as art during her grad school at MIT. Another genius project of hers was to control the direction of sperm through EEG signals, a computer, a male brain, and a circuit. The brainwaves created a translatable pattern that she was able to move the direction of sperm cells. When a female uses the EEG system and certain trained emotions such as attentiveness and relaxation are employed, the user can manipulate the direction of the sperm. This project lets females technically control the male body which subverts the constant oppression of males power and systems of control over the female body. She is a complete and total badass and I would love to try out her EEG machine.