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Son of a Glitch- "Apocalypse Besos"

Sep 22

1 min read




Through the manipulation of technology, a mad scientist genetically modifies human, animal, machine hybrids. Nestled near the ocean in the mountains, the scientist works tirelessly mutating genes with CRISPR to find a creature to withstand the ongoing apocalypse. In hopes that the humanity can proliferate onward to the future, the chimeras and cyborgs become the last efforts to sustain this mission. New methods of cetacean - human communication has been pivotal in making research with the whales and dolphins possible. This connection has propelled communication with other genera, gaining permission for the scientist to take samples of other marine life to hybridize with human genetics. The outcome has been successful with a spectrum of characteristics. Some of the hybrids lean toward presenting as human with physical animal features such as bioluminescence and scales. While other results have produced animal body presentations with human communication skills and gestures. So far it has been difficult to determine the internal workings of the hybridization. Merging the human and animal brain has thus far seen heightened levels of intelligence and creativity not yet seen within history.

Sep 22

1 min read





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